How Can I Make Money Online: A Simple Solution to Earning Cash at Home

A simple solution to earning cash at home is figuring out how to generate an online income.  You probably realize that there are tons of thousands of people making money online every day.  If you’re thinking:  “Surely there must be some way that I can start doing the same thing”, you’re absolutely right.  In fact a recent blog post answered the question of how can I make money online by discussing a valuable new book release.

If you haven’t already done so, feel free to give my previous post a read and see what suggestions you find in:  How Can I Make Money Online: Get a Profitable Answer to a Common Question

Earning with Books

There is no question about the fact that books (in some fashion shape or form) are here to stay.  Clearly, anyone who is involved in writing and publishing books online, has selected a smart business or career choice.  Online writers, authors, publishers, and affiliate book marketers are making tons of money, thanks to digital products.  But while ebooks and digital publishing have gained increased popularity, people still enjoy print books.  If you knew how much money some Amazon and eBay sellers were making with used books, you’d be asking how can I make money online selling books?  When and if you decide to actually address that particular question, make sure you consult another one of my latest publications entitled:  Sell Used Books Online (How to Make Money Selling Your Old Books).  This publication provides a how-to guide on how to easily get started with your own online used book selling business.  This effective road map will have you successfully applying this simple solution to earning cash in your own home.

You can check out what the book has to offer, by visiting any of the following distributors:


Sell Used Books Online (How to Make Money Selling Your Old Books)


Sell Used Books Online (How to Make Money Selling Your Old Books)


Sell Used Books Online (How to Make Money Selling Your Old Books)


How Can I Make Money Online: Get a Profitable Answer to a Common Question

Finding legitimate ways to earn money at home has been a primary topic of much of my writing, including my latest two self-published book releases.  This is a good subject for me and any other author to explore, and provide details on.  Over the years, I’ve discovered a number of answers to how can I make money online and I believe that is one of the most popular questions asked and searched for.

Clearly, finding ways to get paid with your writing is high on the list; that is why I wrote:  Shut Up and Write! Step-by-Step Guide How to Get Paid to Write Within a Week.   I wanted to provide as much valuable information as I could to new internet users who like to write.  After the book was released, I ordered my own print copy of the newly published guide.  I scanned over the results and was proud to see what I had accomplished with this easy to read book that could help so many people.  The publication is packed full of useful tips and advice about getting paid to write online, quickly, and on a regular basis.   Anyone who purchases the guide and follows all the steps will definitely be glad that they did!

You can take a peek at what it has to offer, by visiting any of the following distributors:


Shut Up and Write!  Step-by-Step Guide How to Get Paid to Write Within a Week


Shut Up and Write!  Step-by-Step Guide How to Get Paid to Write Within a Week


Shut Up and Write!  Step-by-Step Guide How to Get Paid to Write Within a Week

Read the next post if you’d like to learn about the my second publication that also answers the question of how can I make money online.

New Book Titles Added

Having decided to make note of the new book titles that I’ve created recently,  I’ve prepared a list of the titles currently to my credit.

This year, I upgraded to Publisher status at Smashwords.  I hope to be in a position to provide needed help to any new authors who seek it.  This publishing platform will also enable me to publish titles in a number of different categories, without any of conflict with the content.

The following titles have all been added  under my “Just Charm Publishing” account.  Some are new titles, others are previously published Charm Baker titles.

Just Charm Publishing – Author:  Charm Baker 

Experimenting With Murder (A Mysterious Island Adventure)

Assisted Living Choices (What You Should Know about Choosing an Assisted Living Community)

Breeding Goldfish Eggs (Step-by-Step Guide to Successful Breeding)

Discovering the True Benefits Of Therapeutic Massage

How to Live Life in a Positive Bubble (A Daily Guide to Positive Thinking)

Nail Biters: How to Break the Embarrassing Habit of Biting Your Nails

Quick and Easy Ways to Protect Your Fruits and Veggies

RV Travel: Camper-Friendly California Beaches, Parks and RV Campgrounds

Sell Used Books Online (How to Make Money Selling Your Old Books)

Shut Up and Write! (Step-by-Step Guide How to Get Paid to Write Within a Week)

Toxic Friends and Other Friendships (A Candid Relationship Guide)


Just Charm Publishing – Author:  Kay Klark

How to Care for Your Hair Just Like Your Stylist! (Smart Tips & Advice about Proper Hair Care and Treatment)   by Kay Klark

Feel free to take a few moments to check out any or all of my titles, available on Smashwords, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble.

Newly Published Authors and the New Book “Baby Blues”

It has been a few weeks since I’ve been vocal about what’s happening with my writing and my ebooks.  I’m finally ready to share what’s new in my world, as it pertains to self-publishing.

Speaking as an unknown author, writing and self-publishing my own books online have been both a blessing and a source of aggravation for me.  With more than a dozen ebook titles to my credit; it’s a shame that I have to admit to myself that I’m still virtually an unknown author.  I did a lot of buildup with the pre-release of one of my latest publications, Shut Up and Write.  I exerted a lot of effort to effectively promote and market the book before the April 9, 2016 release.  In spite of this fact, thus far, the sales reflect how really uneventful the launch turned out to be.  Just as in the past, with so many of my other titles, the book is barely being noticed.  Needless to say, this has done very little to elevate my author status.

Shortly after the book was released, I noticed a peculiar thing.  I found myself starting to feel down, instead of optimistic about the future of the ebook.  The feeling was familiar because I’d felt the same way about my first published novel in 2014.  In fact, it was the same for all the publications that I actually had high hopes for.  Not all of my ebooks required a lot of time or effort, even though they are nice reads, and contain accurate information.  So while I clearly didn’t expect them all to do well from the start, there were some that I placed a lot more confidence in.  But sitting idly by and watching your new book stats can provide a rude awakening.  If you’re not careful, this can lead to a real problem.  The kind that makes you second-guess who and what you are and causes you to be inactive.

In 2014, following the book of my novel, I was very happy about the future success of my book.  I didn’t expect to be thrust into the realm of best seller or anything crazy like that.  Only that people would read the book and provide true feedback about the story, the characters and the setting.  Of course, that would spell book sales, but the reviews that I expected, would also serve to validate me as a serious author.  When basically nothing happened, and my life continued on just the same as it had been, I was crushed.  I quickly buried the feeling of defeat and turned my focus away from my new book.  After spending a few months of desperately trying to market my novel, I gradually moved on and started writing for a new web business, thereby assisting with someone else’s dream, instead of continuing to pursue my own.  I realize this now, but I didn’t see it at the time.  I was too hurt, defeated, and disgusted about the lack of success my book seemed to be having.   The only way I could feel that I hadn’t failed was to pretend that I hadn’t wanted it as badly as I did.

New Book “Baby Blues”

I know that there are lots of new and existing authors who can relate to the low feeling you get when the world doesn’t seem to see you.  Even though we have successfully accomplished more than the average person ever will (journalistically speaking), that doesn’t stop us from beating ourselves up over the lack of book sales.  Nor does it stop us from second-guessing our own talent and worth.  I’m not normally one to hold pity parties, but for some strange reason, when it comes to my writing, I get extremely emotional, if not irrational.  If this happens to you, particularly after having completed and published a new book, you may have a touch of what I like to call the new book “baby blues.”  I believe this happens in a similar way that a new mother who has given birth to a perfectly healthy baby goes into a brief depression.

Most authors spend months working on a book, whether it is a full length novel, or a comprehensive non-fiction project containing lots of detail.  Just think about all the time, effort and attention that you spend researching, compiling, writing, editing and re-writing your book.  You develop a closeness with it, especially when you write a novel with diverse characters and settings.  After I finished my book, Experimenting with Murder, I found myself actually missing the New Zealand island that the story revolved around!

Overcome Baby Blues

For an author to overcome this type of baby blues, it takes a conscious effort, otherwise you could lose your zeal for writing altogether.  Since I was no stranger to the feelings that I mentioned above, I thought I was prepared to deal with them this time around with Shut Up and Write.  The first couple of weeks proved me wrong.  Just a few days after the book release and no substantial sales, I felt that dark feeling beginning to creep in.  I also began to lose the initial enthusiasm and zeal that I’d been feeling.  My new Self-published blog was an attempt to stay focused on selling ebooks as opposed to simply trying to promote them.  I came up with what I thought was a perfectly good idea, but apparently, I’m the only one who seems to think so.  My initial purpose for this website didn’t pan out right away.

Needless to say, this did very little to help me feel any better.  Before I knew what was happening, I had stopped all efforts to promote and market my new guide, or anything else for that matter.  But one night, well after midnight (when I do my best thinking), I sat down to my computer and started looking through some old articles I’d written.  Without another thought, I simply began modifying the material, preparing to create a new ebook.  I now know that the best way for an author to overcome those self-defeating new book baby blues is to write another book!

Just Keep Writing

It is almost two months since the release of Shut Up and Write, and I realize that I can’t keep looking back to check the book’s progress.  The only way for me to chase those nasty blues away is to look ahead, and keep writing.  Since the April release, I’ve already published five additional ebooks.  My goal is to just keep writing and try not to worry about the sales (or lack of them).  Of course, churning out simple little ebooks that provide tidbits of wisdom is not the same as laboring for months over a full length book.  But for now, it will have to do.  I’m much happier watching my book titles as the numbers increase, than watching my book stats that seem to stay in one place!  When it comes to book sales, it’s like boiling water.  It only happens when you’re not looking.